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Upgrade Energy Africa

Our Solutions

Upgrade Energy is your one stop partner for green energy

We see that the current green energy market is incredibly fragmented and complicated to navigate. It is our belief that it does not have to be that way.

When a company wants to contribute to a brighter future, it should be able to do so, without having to put together a small army of different companies.

At Upgrade Energy we prove everyday that we can be the only partner you need to become greener. Whether that means building a solar facility at your site, sourcing renewable energy via the national grid or optimising your consumption using storage solutions. Upgrade Energy has the in-house know-how to guide you through every process.

Upgrade Energy is your partner for feasibility studies, engineering, financing, construction and Operation and Maintenance.

Why Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces air pollution.